Forging a Path to Oneness: Learning the Soul You Are

For whatever reason, I’m called to use this blog to forge this path, well, this highway. The highway actually consists of various paths or “lanes”: paved, unpaved, gravel, dirt, and sidewalk—all contiguous but sometimes switching.

On your Path, sometimes you’re trucking along at 65 mph on the nicely paved lane only to find that it suddenly turns into a dirt road—maybe with potholes big enough to have their own zip code, and you have to slow down to 5 mph to navigate around the potholes, until suddenly the road turns into easier-to-drive gravel, and then back to paved. And now you can go 75 mph.

It’s a challenge. Bummer. But how amazing to not only know who you are on the physical plane (name, ethnicity, where you live, your career/work, etc.) but also who you are on the spirit plane—the soul you are, the particular and unique spark of the Divine.

I think this is not like a quick trip to the grocery store but rather a long highway journey out in the country or through the desert—wide open with lots of twists and turns. And it’s one of those journeys where the journey is as (or more) important than the destination.

And I think this journey of learning the soul you are has two primary “scenic vistas” to explore:

  • Forgiveness (not only of others but self too, especially self)
  • Trust (in your own inner knowing; acknowledging and accepting your own Divinity)

This blog will explore those “vistas” as well as a lot of related topics, often in a manner referred to as the Socratic Method of Learning:

. . . a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.—Wikipedia

Please know that throughout these blog postings, I’m navigating the highway just like you, sometimes maybe “forging the path” like in the movies when a character uses a machete to cut through thick jungle. I’ll forge the path using words and questions for us to ponder, so you can forge your own path.

But know that on this journey, I’m standing beside you and holding your hand so we can support each other. Sharing what we learn. Acknowledging that we’re all in this together.

Acknowledging that we are One.

5 thoughts

  1. This reminds me so much of a message I got from a friend once that changed my life. It was about how every single person is walking down a path of shifting sand. We can all see each other walking, as we’re all headed in the same direction, but what we cannot see is the quality of the sand beneath each other’s feet. So to say, we are all on different parts of this journey. Some people are on that slick highway while others are navigating the potholes. It’s important to remember that when we see others struggling. Can’t wait to see what else you have to share Nancy!


    1. Ace–I love your point about keeping in mind that others are concurrently on their path too. And it may be paved or they may be dealing with BIG potholes. I’ve always believed (but haven’t always practiced) that at any moment, every person is doing the best they can, given who they are and what they know at that moment. Thanks for the reminder!


  2. Thank you, Nancy! So glad you are called to forge the path (and glad you can manage the machete!). Reminds me of Gertrude Stein’s quote, “what is the answer?” Alice B. Toklas was silent. “In that case, what is the question?”


    1. Thanks, Susan. I think asking the right question is key, but it’s not always easy to identify it right off. Sometimes you have to work your way through a bunch of questions to get to THE question. That’s why I find the Socratic Method to be so useful—and an interesting process!


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